Thursday, January 7, 2010

Burrrr!!! is the day..we are expecting 30 mile an hour gust and the Arctic Blast is going to hit us this afternoon. The Cottage has been winterfied by my hubby, bless him!!! The temperature is not to get above freezing for 3 days...Now, I know what some of you northern chicks are thinking...PANSY, WIMP.... whatever...when you live somewhere that you have to keep your toes manicured year round because you might have a couple of cute flip flop days, well this is just major for us.

Unfortunately, we have something beautiful happening in the backyard of the Cottage and this just might do it in!!!

I believe these are Paper Whites...but PLEASE correct me if I am wrong. This little flowerbed in the back yard...well let's just say that my youngest son thought it was a bed of weeds and had been running the lawn tractor through it once a week!!! Once the grass stopped growing so ferociously then we noticed something fighting it's way out of the ground. It was bulbs!!!! Needless to say, Marci and I quickly found one of our shabby bed frames and put it together right in the middle of the bed of flowers...Don't you just love this??? I also took my big helper mowing son over and showed him that these were NOT weeds. He looked at me and said "Oh, my bad" :-)

Well, Marci and I head out next week to market. We will be searching high and low for Valentine, Spring and Summer pretties. We are planning a big 50% off sale while we are gone so head on over to the cottage and see what you just CAN. NOT. live without!!!
Bundling up for the cold,


Kitt said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! Ya'll have fun at market.

Girly Stuff said...

Love the bed and bulbs!

Kohl's has some really cute sparkly flip flops right now...get them while they last!