Thursday, March 15, 2012

Change. Is it a good thing?

When I think of Spring I automatically start thinking about change. Just the mention of the season sends us ladies into a frenzy! Time to rearrange the furniture, update the decor, switch wardrobes, re-set all the clocks, plant new flowers...... The list is endless and it's all about change.

Spring certainly means change for us here at The Old Oak Cottage. The county has decided to make changes so we have piles of dirt and pipe out front along with backhoes, dump trucks and an army of workers. The Cottage & Showroom are both sporting new looks for this latest season and the upcoming Easter holiday. Marci is in Idaho now, starting this new season of her life working on plans for her new home. As for me, Round Top is March 30th - April 7th so I've got plenty of work to do!

Even though change is often inconvenient or usually uncomfortable it can be a good thing. Change means growth, life, hope. All things we need in our lives.

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