I hate to reveal my naivete', but until relocating to the Houston area from Montana, I really had no idea what "dog days of summer" was. Up there, we totally looked forward to the three weeks of summer we got! Sure, sometimes it hit 100 degrees, but those days were for celebration - floating the river or going to the lake.
This year, however, I finally get it! It has been SO hot for SO long that you just feel like you can't take it anymore. It is very much the same feeling I got up north when I was "house bound" for months due to snow and ice. I felt then, as I do now, that I had to do SOMETHING or plan SOMETHING to get me out of my doldrums! Thus, Mandy and I would like to announce:
The Old Oak Cottage's Dog Days of Summer Party (Sale), Saturday, September 4th. Sure it's a sale - we want to lure you to come see us. But actually, its a party to help us through these last days (I hope) of summer.
To kick of the festivities, we are having a "Cutest Dog Contest" and encourage you to bring in a picture of your pup, along with his name, to the cottage by September 2nd. You may also email us your entries. Customers will vote the day of the sale. Owner of the winning entry will receive a $100 Gift Certificate!!!
There will also be door prizes, hidden prizes, dog bone cookies and puppy chow. Let us know if you have any other great dog theme recipe ideas to share. To top it all off, we plan to have one "doggone" good sale. (Sorry, I couldn't help it). This is what we plan to have on SALE:
- 50% off all beach theme items
- 50% off all spring and summer florals
- 30% off select pieces of furniture and decor
- table of 50% off items
Please come see us during this special event, and help us say GOOD RIDDANCE to summer!
Till then,
Marci and Mandy